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Have a question? Maybe you have article idea for us? Perhaps you want to learn more about our career opportunities or are looking to collaborate. If so, we’re always happy to hear from readers! 

As a forewarning, we don’t believe in being married to our phones or inboxes, so don’t expect a rapid reply from us. We will do our best to reply within a week. However, we will not reply to spam, or silly questions from PR representatives about why we didn’t include a certain company or offers to include companies for pay. We do our best to include our best advice based on our believes and first-hand experience. Points Maverick does not accept paid placements and we  are on a mission to uphold editorial independence so we will ignore offers to suggest a good or service we wouldn’t use ourselves or recommend to our friends. 

Email: hello at pointsmaverick dot com (we’re looking to cut down on spam without forcing you to complete a contact form – you get it). 

Where to Find Points Maverick

As a team of travelers, Points Maverick is a fully remotely company. We do have our satellite office in Surfside, a quiet and beautiful part of Miami Beach for team meetings and gatherings. But again, don’t expect to find us here as we rarely find ourselves here!